Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jane Austen Made Me Do It

I recently read a book that was quite delightful, Jane Austen Made Me Do It: Original Stories Inspired by Literature's Most Astute Observer of the Human Heart. As most of us know, Jane Austen's stories are beloved by many still today. Several authors have tried to capture the brilliance of her work with their own versions or additional stories that add on to the books. (In fact I recommend, Mr. Darcy's Daughters, by Elizabeth Aston as one of the best ones I have read.) However, this book puts together a collection of short stories from several different Jane Austen writers. I will say that in my opinion a couple were boring and there were a few that I really loved. I have recently returned my copy to the Phoenix public library, who currently only has one copy available with others on order.

I hope that everyone had a Happy Christmas and remember to do as a true SPEBLite would do this New Year, celebrate and enjoy life. Keep reading!