Miss Bingley: "I am afraid you do not like your pen. Let me mend it for you. I mend pens remarkably well."
Mr. Darcy: "Thank you- but I always mend my own."
-Pride and Prejudice
Communication amongst unmarried persons of the opposite sex can be difficult to decipher in most cases. Though it might seem easy to just tell a gentleman of your feelings, i.e. you think he is attractive or charming, many believe that it is the duty of the gentleman to begin the courtship. A woman may assist the gentleman in nine out of ten cases by showing more affection than she feels, because a man might not realize she is interested in him otherwise. Beware though, a woman does not want to risk her reputation by being too forward with her affections. These are some gentle ways to help the man you are pursuing realize you are interested.
1. Flatter his vanity. A rather easy task as most men will be flattered if you just feign interest in what they are saying. In some cases though you will have to hang out his every word, and express admiration for everything he does. Ladies, you might also need to agree with what he has said, though you do not agree with him. A hard feat for some women.

2. Talk about him to his relatives and friends. Women do not always have contact with a gentleman's relatives, but if you do, take advantage of the situation and praise him. They might take the hint of your adoration for him and tell him. This is also true of friends, especially if they like to tease one another.
3. Offer to perform little services for him. Loaning a book might lead to your books being settled on his bookcase.
4. Ask him if he would like to go "stargazing". Everyone knows what this means. (If he doesn't, rethink your decision to pursue him.)

5. Keep your cool. Even if he has sat by the same girl the last three weeks during church, do not let him know that you care. Tease him about her and see if you might wish him joy in the near future.
6. Mirror his actions. If he is reading a book, pick up another volume. If he is going to play a game, see if you may be on his team. If he is hanging back from the crowd, set yourself away as well.
7. Find him irresistible. You will become so yourself and once you are, he will pursue you.
Try these out and see how the chosen gentleman will rush to your side.